The MAGNA3 N offers all of the features of a MAGNA3 in stainless-steel, if the media requires this, for example in domestic-hot water applications. The MAGNA3 has integrated Bluetooth allowing it to connect directly with the Grundfos GO APP.
Suitable for
- Domestic hot water recirculation
Ambient temperature : 0 °C to +40 °C
Liquid temperature : -10 °C to +110 °C max.
Maximum operating pressure : 10 bar
Supply voltage : 1 x 240 Volt 50/60 Hz
Enclosure : Suitable for undercover installation only
Materials : Stainless steel housing, Impeller PES 30% GF
Connections : Threaded or Flanged if designated (F)
Remote control and monitoring : Fitted with Integrated VSD & DPS combined differential pressure & temperature sensor. Grundfos GO Remote with
mobile interface for Android or iOS smartphone
Communication with BMS : CIM Modules available on request : GENIbus, LonWorks, Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP, GSM/GPRS
Control modes : AUTOADAPT, FLOWADAPT, FLOWLIMIT, proportional pressure,differential temperature, constant pressure, constant
temperature, constant curve, automatic night setback. NEW : Constant flow
Other function : Multi-pump function via wireless GENIair connection
NEW : Application Wizard allowing intuitive settings of the circulator from installation type
The product image shown is for illustration purpose only